I want to enroll my child, where do I start?

After taking a tour, you will recieve an enrollment packet that has all of the infromation needed to enroll into our program.

What are your operating hours?

Our operating hours are from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday. We do have Summer Hours of 7:30am-5:30pm that will begin May 28th and gp through until school starts back up in the fall.

Do you provide meals for the children?

Yes, we are with the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and we provide nutritious meals and snacks for the children throughout the day. Our Breakfast is 7am-8am, Lunch is 11am-Noon, and Snack is 2pm-2:30pm each day. We send home monthly menus so that you know what is being served each day.

What age range do you cater to?

We cater to children aged 6 weeks to 10 years old.

Do you have a Curriculum or Daily Schedule?

Yes, each classroom has a daily schedule and a curriculum that is done throughout each year. During the summer months we take a break and add some fun activities to our summer curriculum.

Do you administer medication? What is the process?

Yes we do administer medication. Each medicine must come in its original container, and the parent must sign a medicaiton authorization form each time a dose is given. Only the directors will be able to administer the medication. 

How do you communicate with parents?

We have an app that all families have access to. Each of the teachers input all of the daily information and lesson plans for the parents to view. Each parent is able to message through there at anytime to either the teachers or admin only.

Do you help with potty training?

Yes, our teachers do assist in potty training after the child is introduced at home and has less than 3 accidents per day. 

What are the security measures that are taken?

Our facility has a pincode entrance in the front and the directors are the only ones that are able to open the door.

Still Have Questions?

We understand what it means to entrust your child's safety and development to someone else. We welcome any questions that you may have about our school, or dedicated teachers and our policies. Feel free to reach out to us at (806) 728-0070. Our commitment is to provide you with the information and support you need for a worry free childcare experience.